2021. 3. 8. 07:50ㆍ카테고리 없음
In my windows server 2008r2 i was running out of free spaceI have deleted following folder contents

- C:WindowsTemp
- C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue

But when i run %temp% in run it navigates to C:UsersADMINI~1AppDataLocalTemp3
I was expecting it to navigate to C:UsersADMINI~1AppDataLocalTemp
Can i delete contents of C:UsersADMINI~1AppDataLocalTemp
or only C:UsersADMINI~1AppDataLocalTemp3
But you cannot use this XP folder to prepare the installation media. You’ll have to make the ISO file. How to Create the Windows XP Sp3 image(ISO) fileWe shall use a software called as Bart’s BCD software to create the image file. Servicepackfilename /integrate:drive:XPfolderIn this example, the command will look like this: WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU /integrate:C:XPAfter the successful execution of the command the system files and the installation files of the folder ‘XP’ are updated with the. Download windows xp boot disk. Now, download Service pack 3 From and save a copy of the downloaded file in a folder named as SP3 in the same location where the folder XP resides.Now, open command prompt and change the directory to SP3 (use this command: cd SP3) and run the following command.
Pyserial list serial ports. There's, but I would like something less.NET specific - I want to get the list of ports in a Python or a C program, without.NET.I currently know of two other approaches:.Reading the information in the HARDWAREDEVICEMAPSERIALCOMM registry key.
- Any file under the windows/temp folder is safe to delete. Once in awhile windows will balk at one file. Just leave it for now. Also under C ocuments and Settings usernameLocal Settings are 2 folders. One is temp and the other is temporary internet files. You cant delete everything thats in these two folders also.
- In my windows server 2008r2 i was running out of free space I have deleted following folder contents C: Windows Temp C: ProgramData Microsoft Windows WER ReportQueue But when i run%temp% in run.
Way-1: Delete Temp Files in Windows 10 using Windows Settings app. On Settings interface, move the pointer over the System category and click on it. When System settings page comes into view, select Storage section from the left pane. Go to the corresponding right pane and click on This PC (C:).
What is the actual temp path?
IT researcherIT researcher1 Answer
As far as I know the 'Local' (same as 2003 'Local settings') holds only caches, so deleting it shouldn't cause any problems.
Also, note that this folder isn't copied when using roaming profiles (it's created upon logon), so it's clearly deletable.